BIREME had its new governance framework renewed in 2009 through the establishment of three legal instruments: the Headquarters’ Agreement between PAHO and the Government of Brazil; the Facility Agreement between PAHO and the Government of Brazil; and the BIREME Bylaw, approved in the 49th Directing Council of PAHO (CD49.R5) in October 2009.
According to the Statute, the following governance structure was established as of 2010:
1. BIREME Members, defined in the categories:
a. Member States: all PAHO Member States. This includes Member States, Participating States and Associate Members of PAHO.
b. Participating States: WHO Member States which are not Members of PAHO.
c. Participating Organizations: Public international organizations with specific qualifications related to scientific and technical information and communication.
2. Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee (AC) is composed of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and Brazil as permanent members, and five other PAHO Member States selected by the Directing Council of the Organization for a three-year term, currently represented by Chile (2022-2024), Guatemala (2022-2024) and Trinidad and Tobago (2022-2024), Colombia (2021-2023) and Costa Rica (2021-2023). The AC’s functions include making recommendations to the Director of PAHO on the programmatic functions, work plan, and funding of BIREME
3. Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee (SC) is composed of five expert members nominated by PAHO Member States and the Director of PAHO and appointed by BIREME’s Advisory Committee. The Scientific Committee advises the Director of PAHO and the Advisory Committee of BIREME on the preparation and implementation of the work plan, making recommendations on the programmatic functions of the Center. The Committee is also responsible for recommending the adoption of innovations in information technologies for BIREME’s scientific communication products and services. For the period 2020-2023, the Committee is made up of experts from Brazil, the USA, Mexico, the Netherlands, Peru, and Argentina. The SC has been in operation since 2013.
4. Secretariat
The Secretariat is a permanent body of BIREME, composed of the Director of BIREME and the technical and administrative teams. It is responsible for the management and execution of the institution’s program functions.
5. Institutional Organization Chart

Related documents
- Institutional Reform of BIREME (CD49/17)
- Election of the Members of BIREME’s Consulting Committee (CD49/30)
- Establishment of a New Institutional Framework for BIREME (CD49.R5)
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